Dental Implant Process - Austin, TX

A Life-Changing Solution that Blends Art with Science

Sarah's Story

"My Teeth Were Falling Out One By One, A Full Mouth Reconstruction Raised My Confidence."

Sarah's Story

Investing in Outcomes, Not Just Procedures

At Union Dental Implant Center in Austin, TX, we understand the significant impact that tooth loss can have on both oral health and self-esteem. That’s why we specialize in providing comprehensive dental implant services tailored to address the challenges caused by missing teeth.

From difficulty chewing to shifts in tooth alignment, these issues can diminish confidence in your smile, cause pain and discomfort, and even lead to more serious dental problems. We offer personalized dental implant and full mouth dental implant solutions to restore missing teeth, allowing you to regain self-assurance and enjoy a revitalized, attractive smile!

What Is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are meticulously crafted to replicate tooth roots through titanium posts, providing a solid foundation for artificial teeth that closely mimic their natural appearance and function. Consisting of three key components—the implant fixture, abutment, and dental prosthetic— implants offer a comprehensive solution for restoring damaged or missing teeth.

Whether replacing a single tooth or an entire arch, full mouth dental implants are the premier choice for smile restoration, delivering enhanced speech and chewing abilities alongside a remarkable aesthetic transformation.

What Is A Dental Implant?

Dental implants are meticulously crafted to replicate tooth roots through titanium posts, providing a solid foundation for artificial teeth that closely mimic their natural appearance and function. Consisting of three key components—the implant fixture, abutment, and dental prosthetic— implants offer a comprehensive solution for restoring damaged or missing teeth.

Whether replacing a single tooth or an entire arch, full mouth dental implants are the premier choice for smile restoration, delivering enhanced speech and chewing abilities alongside a remarkable aesthetic transformation.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Our Dental Implant Procedure

Consult & Planning

Our consultation process is crafted to address your dental concerns and aspirations for a beautiful smile. During your initial visit, we collaborate to understand your needs, smile goals, and budget. We will then perform an oral exam and obtain detailed digital diagnostics of your oral anatomy. This evaluation is crucial in assessing your implant eligibility.

Based on your consultation, dental concerns, and goals for your smile, we will create a treatment plan that addresses these needs and wants while considering your lip and gum line, skin tone, and facial symmetry to create a truly unique smile.


Once your treatment plan is complete, we’ll begin with surgery. We will administer anesthesia, and small incisions will be made in your jawbone. We will strategically place 4-6 implant posts in areas with optimal jawbone density.

Once the implants are securely placed, abutments will be attached to each implant. The next day, we will check your sutures, answer any questions you may have, and place your hand-crafted, brand-new set of teeth. With this new restoration, you can enjoy all the benefits of a complete set of healthy teeth while your mouth heals!

Healing & Checkups

Over the next 4-6 months, your dental implants will integrate with your jawbone, creating a strong foundation for your smile. During this healing process, we will check sutures and ensure your implants are fusing to your jawbone correctly. By consistently caring for your full mouth dental implants at home and attending regular checkups, you can extend their lifespan and maintain your stunning smile for years!

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Constant Pain Greatly Affected My Life, Dental Implants Allow Me To Live Life To The Fullest.

Constant Pain Greatly Affected My Life, Dental Implants Allow Me To Live Life To The Fullest.

The Proof Is In Our Patients

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